Brownsville Area High School
1 Falcon Drive
Brownsville, PA 15417
724 - 785 - 8200 Phone
724 - 785 - 8930 Fax
Head of Middle / Upper Schools
Ron Perlman
123 - 456 - 7890 Phone
123 - 456 - 7890 Fax
Head of Lower School
Jessica Langel
123 - 456 - 7890 Phone
123 - 456 - 7890 Fax
Head of Lower School
Jan Rickman
123 - 456 - 7890 Phone
123 - 456 - 7890 Fax
Brownsville Area High School
Ms. Sara Inks - sinks@basd.org
Mrs. Michelle Izzi - mizzi@basd.org
Mr. Chris Kirschner- ckirschner@basd.org
Mrs. Tammie Williams - twilliams@basd.org
Mr. John Marshall - jmarshall@basd.org
Mr. Russ Brown - rbrown@basd.org
Ms Rachel Bruschi - rbruschi@basd.org
Ms Diane Haddad - dhaddad@basd.org
Mrs. Lora Johnson - ljohnson@basd.org
Mrs. Tricia Rohlf - trohlf@basd.org
Social Studies
Mr. William Karwatske- wkarwatske@basd.org
Mr. Scott Roebuck - sroebuck@basd.org
Mrs. Sandra Rummell - srummell@basd.org
Mr. James Peffer - jpeffer@basd.org
Ms. Jane Bock - jbock@basd.org
Ms. Bock's Academic Biology Website
Mr. Greg Bohna - gbohna@basd.org
Mrs. Katherine Lacek - klacek@basd.org
Mrs. Kelli Dellarose - kdellarose@basd.org
Mrs. Dellarose's Chemistry Connection
Brownsville Area High School
Foreign Language
Ms. Ginger D’Amico - gdamico@basd.org
Mrs. Ruthann Davidovich - rdavidovich@basd.org
Ms. Lynn Jellots - ljellots@basd.org
Physical Education
Mr. Jeff Spinetti - jspinetti@basd.org
Mr. Chad Gaster - cgaster@basd.org
Fine & Practical Arts
Mrs. Christy Gulich - cgulich@basd.org
Mr. Charles Null - cnull@basd.org
Mrs. Laurie Morris - lmorris@basd.org
Mr. Brian Nicholson - bnicholson@basd.org
Ms. Bethany Hughes - bhughes@basd.org
Mr. Chris McManus - mcmanus@basd.org
Mr. Kurt Mahan - kmahan@basd.org
Learning Support Services
Mr. Daniel Gustovich - dgustovich@basd.org
Mrs. Jessica Lulich - jlulich@basd.org
Mr. Robert Hall - rhall@basd.org
Mrs. Jessica VanMeter - jvanmeter@basd.org
Ms. Beth Bittner - bbittner@basd.org
Mrs. Melissa Rizzo - mrizzo@basd.org
Mrs. Jennie Karwatske - Librarian - jkarwatske@basd.org
Student Development
Mr. William Rouse-- Gr. 9,10,11,12 Counselor - wrouse@basd.org
Mr. Jeff Sigado -- Social Worker - jsigado@basd.org
Mrs. Janice Pasquale -- Secretary - jpasquale@basd.org
Mrs. Deanna Stump (Head Cook)
Ms. Danielle Martin (Assistant Cook)
Mrs. Karen Holland (Assistant Cook)
Mrs. Sandy Jones (Assistant Cook)
Mrs. Jamie Enfield (Assistant Cook)