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Brownsville Area High School


1 Falcon Drive

Brownsville, PA  15417

724 - 785 - 8200 Phone

724 - 785 - 8930 Fax


Head of Middle / Upper Schools

Ron Perlman

123 - 456 - 7890 Phone

123 - 456 - 7890 Fax


Head of Lower School

Jessica Langel

123 - 456 - 7890 Phone

123 - 456 - 7890 Fax


Head of Lower School

Jan Rickman

123 - 456 - 7890 Phone

123 - 456 - 7890 Fax





Activities and Clubs


Art - Brian Nicholson

Audiovisual - Sara Inks/Robert Hall

Choir - Bethany Hughes

Computer Tech - Christy Gulich

Debate - Lynn Reed

Drama/TV - Christy Gulich

Environment Science - Kathy Lacek

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America - Laurie Morris

Freshman Sponsor - Jane Bock

FBLA - Sandy Rummell

Future Mathematicians - Michelle Izzi

Honor Society - Tammy Williams/ Michelle Izzi

Interact - Jane Bock

Junior Sponsor - Lynn Jellots

LEO - Tricia Rohlf

Math Club - Tammy Williams

Spanish Honor - Ruthann Davidovich

YEA - Christy Gulich

Newspaper - Christy Gulich

Senior Sponsor - Tammy Williams/Linda Karol

Ski Club - Lynn Jellots

Sophomore Sponsor - Kelli Dellarose/April Belback

Student Council - Kelli Dellarose

SADD - Jennifer Assad

Thespians - Tricia Rohlf

TRI-HI-Y - April Belback

Yearbook (Business) - Christy Gulich

Yearbook (Literary) - Christy Gulich

French Honor - Lynn Jellots

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